Glenn Foundation Discovery Award

Hsu Headshot

Ya-Chieh Hsu, PhD

Professor, Harvard University

Rapid Functional Genetics to Identify Genes that can Rejuvenate Aged Stem Cells

With age, the regenerative potential of skin stem cells declines significantly, leading to delayed wound healing and reduced tissue regeneration. While some molecular differences between young and aged stem cells can be identified using profiling approaches, determining the causative genes that can functionally drive age-related changes in mammalian stem cells remains challenging due to the lengthy process of generating and aging genetic mouse models. Our lab has developed viral approaches that allow us to rapidly test gene function in mouse skin. Using this technology, we aim to perform a rapid in vivo screen to identify key genes that influence skin stem cell aging. Our findings will elucidate fundamental mechanisms that drive stem cell aging and provide potential therapeutic targets for age-related skin disorders.

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Aging as a self-reinforcing feedback loop: investigate the role of noncoding translation

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